Catholicbiblestudyonline.com (CBSO) will be posting new podcasts/blogs starting in March, so please stay tuned! While you are waiting for our new content to go live, I will take the time to inform you of a few changes we have in the works. Firstly, CBSO will no longer run a chat room for discussions, instead we will be using our new Twitter account and the blog's comment section for participation in the podcasts/blogs. We encourage you to participate by posting your comments on the CBSO blog site or on Twitter under the blog post title. This makes it easier for everyone to discuss the weeks podcast without having to sit and wait for people to log into a chat room. Secondly, I need people to help me come up with a logo for our CBSO site. I would like it to be catchy and fun, so it will attract more people to CBSO. If you have any ideas, comments, or artwork please email me at admin@catholicbiblestudyonline.com. Finally, I would like ideas on topics and content you would like to see on CBSO. I am hoping to have a weekly blog done by a Catholic priest in the "As I See It" section that will address current events facing Catholic, but I would love your feedback on how we can improve our content and make CBSO a more enjoyable place to learn our faith.
To Conclude, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your patience! I know its been a long time since my last blog but more are on the way real soon. So, please hang in with us, include CBSO in your prayers, and tell all your friends about us!
God bless each and every one of you!
PS. Here are the links to our Social Media Sites: