Sunday, November 21, 2010


I will be doing a weekly "As I See It" supplement within this blog. The purpose for the supplemental blog is to discuss current Catholic events, review faith based books, computer applications, and other forms of media that help us grow in our Catholic faith. "As I See It" was also set up so I could have a place where I could discuss faith related topics that I am currently thinking about which may not pertain to the weekly podcast.

"As I See It" is here to offer a place for people to share their thoughts and feelings about our wonderful Catholic faith and to promote those books, movies, and websites that help us grow closer to God and give us a deeper meaning to Catholicism.

So what do you have to do as a reader of this blog to make it successful? Simple! Participate by posting your comments, thoughts, feelings, and any Faith related questions you may have in the comment section of this blog!

God bless you all!


PS: I would also like to inform you that there is a new look to as I have updated it, so go take a look and tell me what you think! I welcome all your comments!

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